Wound trim VS blown trim waste 

Trim winders from Alpha Converting Equipment LTD. www.alpha-converting.co.uk

Manual and hydraulic screen changers from BD-Plast www.bdplast.com



Pneumatic trim, matrix and dust handling systems from Compass Systems www.compasssystemsandsales.com


Batch blenders, Continuous dosing systems  and automatic air rings www.doteco.com


Repelletizing/Recycling systems/retrofits from Gamma Meccanica North America www.irecyclingsolutions.com and  www.gamma-meccanica.it


Corona treatment systems for film extrusion, printing, and lamination. For more details visit www.martignoni-srl.com


Static bars and Ion blowers from TAKK www.takk.com


 For further details or to receive brochures on any of the above please contact marcnolan@convertingsupplyinc.com  or Marc Nolan @Ph #=647-501-2686