About Us
Converting Supply Inc.
Owned and managed by Marc Nolan with experience in the Canadian plastics industry dating back to 1986. We are focused on bringing new, truly innovative products to our Canadian customers. We are also regularly introducing new products that complement our existing offerings. Many of our customers have grown to recognize "CSI" as an "industry resource"....... If you don't find what you are looking for ask us, and we will help you source it....
Converting Supply Inc. brings together technologies that have been carefully selected and complement each other. With a focus on equipment geared towards film extrusion, our prime objective is to offer our customers superb value by aligning ourselves with reputable partners that offer leading edge technologies.
Mission Statement
To offer our customers unparalleled value for products and technologies that exceed their expectations and to become the benchmark our competitors will measure themselves by.
For further details or to receive brochures on any of the technologies detailed on this website please contact us at
Ph#647-501-2686 or E-mail marcnolan@convertingsupplyinc.com